

About tracey

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So far tracey has created 68 blog entries.

Understanding Data Portability


What is Data Portability? Data portability allows individuals to obtain and reuse their personal

Understanding Data Portability2018-08-31T08:02:51+00:00

GDPR – Top 10 Tips


Do you have ‘consent’ in place for every individual’s personal information you hold on

GDPR – Top 10 Tips2017-12-19T10:42:05+00:00

Virtual Reality Rehabilitation


Virtual reality technology is becoming more and more common in rehabilitation, transporting patients far

Virtual Reality Rehabilitation2017-12-18T11:59:16+00:00

How to Write a Good Report


Early in the year I attended a seminar with Janet Stowe (Occupational Therapist) giving

How to Write a Good Report2017-11-20T21:11:35+00:00