Webinars to support CQC Registered Managers

Getting ready for your Single Assessment Framework Inspection   

Find out about the CQC’s new framework, what they want to see regarding ‘I’ Statements, business planning documents, audits and your A-Z of processes.

Wednesday 7 August 2024 at 12.00 noon – book here

Wednesday 4 September 2024 at 12.00 noon – book here

CQC Single Assessment Framework – Evidence Collecting   

Understand what evidence you need to collect against each of the Quality Statements under: Safe / Effective / Caring / Responsive / Well Led.

Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 12.00 noon – book here

Wednesday 14 August 2024 at 12.00 noon – book here

Wednesday 18 September 2024 at 12.00 noon – book here

CQC Single Assessment Framework – setting up your Evidence Folders   

Find out about the Quality Statement evidence folders – receive a copy of the folders to set up on your laptop.

Wednesday 21 August 2024 at 12.00 noon – book here

Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 12.00 noon – book here

Artificial Intelligence AI Webinars

Data Protection and AI for your private healthcare business  

More dates to come…

Deep dive into the world of AI – explore ChatGPT and other platforms

More dates to come…

To find out more information about our webinars please speak to Tracey on 07939 935755 or email tracey@virtual-administration.com