We all have days when words escape us. 

How to respond to an email can sometimes be challenging and daunting. 

Here’s a few scenarios and suggestions.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and want to delay a meeting – say:

Let’s arrange in a couple of weeks.  I have a number of other commitments in the interim.  Please do send me some suggested dates and times.  Looking forward to seeing you then.

(Keep your response firm but positive, don’t apologise or sound defensive).

When you sense someone wants more of your time – when your schedule is super busy – say:

I’d be happy to speak to you about this.  Let’s arrange a 20 minute chat to discuss next steps.

(Be clear about how much time you can give.  When you next speak with them, make it clear your time is not an unlimited resource).

When you’re asked to do something for free – say:

My hourly rate is £X and I have availability on (date).  Would you like to go ahead and book?

(Your time is valuable.  Never give it away for free unless you intend to donate it to a worthy cause.  If you’re going to offer a discount, mention this and don’t apologise for charging what you feel your service is worth).

Looking after your emails when you’re not available

Think about having someone to check your emails when you’re out all day visiting clients and attending MDT meetings.  The thought of getting home late after being stuck in traffic, to then open your laptop and respond to emails at 8.00pm is no fun.

Invest in a Virtual PA who will check your emails throughout the day, respond on your behalf and even deal with your new enquiries.

Knowing your Virtual PA will send you a text message should anything urgent crop up on your emails, is a saving grace.  You can then come home and enjoy your evening and check your emails in the morning.