I’m currently attending a ‘Women in Leadership and Management’ course through Nottingham Trent University’s Business School.  I’m thoroughly enjoying it and getting so much valuable information and insight, learning so much.  The attendees on the course are fabulous, we’re all drawing from our own knowledge and experience, sharing some fascinating examples in relation to being a female leader in business.

One of the areas covered was about how we are seen and heard as female leaders.  What kind of persona do we want to put across about ourselves, whether it’s at a conference or networking event or our profile on LinkedIn.

We were asked to write down a number of characteristics that were important to us, to be seen as female leaders; these are mine:

  • Highly knowledgeable of the industry we provide our services to;
  • Professional and reliable;
  • Very approachable;
  • Kind and friendly;
  • Positive and open;
  • Quietly confident;
  • Always curious;
  • Like to experiment;
  • Down to earth;
  • Honest and trustworthy;
  • Known for getting the job done;
  • Will say ‘no’ and not over promise, if we can’t deliver on a task or project;
  • Ability to thrive in new situations and adaptable to change.

What would you describe as your characteristics as a female leader in your business?